Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter 2011 Mission Statement

This semester, we as a house want to focus on developing shalom within the house and the world in order to glorify God by doing the following:

Caring for each other. We want to show each other that we care by being intentional about making time for each other and this house. We also want to hold each other accountable in ways that we have (or haven't, in some cases, perhaps)specified. Two specific examples are holding Trevor accountable in his time management and Katie accountable in her ability to leave for things on time. We love Katie and therefore will leave without her if she is running late.

Another way we will show that we care about each other is by helping each other exercise more by competing for who can exercise the most, making chores the consequence for those who lose each monthly competition.

We also commit to praying for each other and the world around us with set times on various days throughout the week where we will pray.

Another way we wish to care for each other and the world around us is by utilizing our creative abilities, especially through music.

Hospitality is something we wish to focus on as well. We wish to have others over for meals and host various events and parties at our house. These events and parties must have a purpose that points the world to a greater reality that reflects God's heart for humanity. One event in particular that we wish to host is a community BBQ.

Lastly, we are committing to establishing a relationship with the residents of SHOW, a local apartment building which houses those who used to be homeless. We want to build relationships with the individuals who live there by volunteering there as a house once a month.

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