Friday, January 15, 2010

What is in a Name?

Valentines Day has been an awkward holiday in my life for quite some time now and I don't feel that this makes me a cultural anomaly by any means.

I decided to do something about it, so I looked up feasts for Catholic saints to see if there might be something else worth celebrating on that dreaded day. It just so happens that February 14th is also the Feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius! It turns out that these men are the patron saints of Bulgaria and other Slavic nations!

(If you would like to learn more about these men, click here.)

And so there was a party at my house celebrating these forgotten saints on that day and much fun was had.

Since then the spirit of Cyril and Methodius has come to represent the following:

1) Not waiting for life to happen and acting now. We don't have to wait for our lives to reach a certain point to make a difference. It just may take some thinking outside the box.

2) Defying cultural norms.

3) Redeeming something that would otherwise be unpleasant.

4) Quirkiness.

And thus, The House of Cyril and Methodius seemed quite appropriate.

Posted by Gloria

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