Friday, February 12, 2010


A few of us are currently reading Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. I'm in the midst of the prayer chapter, which is a really nice coincidence because last night we had some realizations about the great need to pray for this project.
Within the past couple days a few things have been going wrong. Katie pointed out that we have not been praying for this as much as we should be. This has been weighing on my mind for the past 24 hours and a few parts of the prayer chapter in the book stuck out to me.

'All who have walked with God have viewed prayer as the main business of their lives.'

'In our efforts to pray it is easy for us to be defeated right at the outset because we have been taught that everything in the universe is already set, and so things cannot be changed. And if things cannot be changed, why pray? We may gloomily feel this way, but the Bible does not teach that. The Bible pray-ers prayed as if their prayers could and would make an objective difference. The apostle Paul gladly announces that we are "co-labourers with God"; that is, we are working with God to determine the outcome of events (1 Cor. 3:9)...This comes as a genuine liberation to many of us, but it also sets tremendous responsibility before us. We are working with God to determine the future! Certain things will happen in history if we pray rightly. We are to change the world by prayer.'

I just wanted to share this because it emphasizes how powerful prayer can be and I've always know that somewhere in the back of my mind, but this really brought it to the fore front. So we just wanted to ask that everyone would keep us in their prayers as we search for a place to live and begin this crazy and huge task of creating a community house.

Thanks :)


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